I would like to thank all those who voluntarily contributed to make this website a success. Having such a busy schedule, I surely wouldn’t have been able to construct and publish this website without them. Some of the major contributors were -
- Mrigank Pawagi
- He is the one who taught me how to make websites and also made the Timeline page possible. He is working on the Problem of the Week webpage and, hopefully, it will be up soon. He is a pro CS guy, so check out his website for more details about the accolades he has gained so far.
- Sunidhi Shreya
- She proofread the entire manuscript and ironed out most of the errors. I am baffled by her responsiveness and that she completed the entire work in a day. Thank you!
- Gaurav
- Fellow Indian classmate at MIT. He has won many medals in Physics Olympiad and is a very cool guy. I might have met him in IPhO 2020, if this (waving wildly here and there) hadn’t happened. Anyways, check out some resources for Olympiad physics from his end.